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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Duo Pie Carrier

This year I offered to make pumpkin pies for our family gathering at my uncle's house. With delicate crusts and "wet" fillings, I was afraid that transportation might be a problem. Luckily, my husband came up with a fabulous idea for carrying both pies in a giant cake carrier (the only carrier I have). Here is the order from the bottom up:

1. carrier bottom
2. nonslip pad
3. pie
5. nonslip pad
6. pie
7. top of carrier

It worked PERFECTLY!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hair Clips For Cutie

Say, "Cheese!"

One of my niece's favorite words is "owl", so of course I searched my fabric stash for something cute to make her.

I made a super simple hair clip out of the following:

* owl fabric
* hair clips
* felt
* fray block (prevents fabric from coming apart)
* liquid stitch (fabric glue)

I cut an area around the owl and applied fray block. After it dried, I trimmed around the edges then used liquid stitch to fasten it to a felt background. After that dried, I glued it to a hair clip.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just in time for the holidays....

Reusable Gift Bags

These holiday gift bags come in handy to wrap last minute gifts.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Display

This year I decided to display holiday cards by hanging them with removable hooks, curling ribbon and a jingle bell at the bottom.