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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DIY 2 Liter Bottle Planters

I have been interested in DIY planters for a long time, so when I found these two tutorials (tut) I couldn't wait to get started. I planted basil in two different planters
(I had a few
young plants left over from a previous experiment*)

Self-watering Planter

I found this video tut on I was pleasantly surprised when this DIY self-watering planter actually worked. Instead of scrap cotton I used one of my son's worn socks to absorb water.

This worked so well, that I also made smaller ones using 16.9 oz. water bottles to grow mint plants (I'd read that ants do not like the smell of mint, but that's a future blog).

Upside Down Planter

This tut on shows how to make a hanging upside down planter. I was even more skeptical about this one, even though the Topsy Turvy has been proven to work.

Both of these planters would help decrease the damage from slugs and snails.

1 comment:

  1. you have a stow-away on your topsy turvy planter. :)
