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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Terrariums - Update

After a week in a plastic container terrarium (from a previous post) the sprouts had grown about 2 inches. I planted one in the ground and few days later it was gone...slugs.

I planted the last sprout, but this time I protected it with the top portion of a soda bottle. I kept the cap off, so the plant wouldn't overheat.

I'm happy to report the plant is doing well. Fingers crossed, we'll have fresh beans in 6-8 weeks.


  1. nice idea...would keep my dog from eating sprouts...
    I read coffee grounds help get deter snails. I've been collecting coffee grounds from work and tossing them around. Kinda helps.

  2. grounds, right. Starbucks gives away coffee grounds (if you call ahead sometimes they'll save 'em for you). I read that ground up egg shells also deter slugs/snails.

  3. OK, that's it... I'm doing this too! I don't know what happened to my inch and a half sprout! Either snail or weedwacker from gardener....I guess I'll have to start drinking diet soda!

  4. Diana's husband suggested we use copper tape around the raised garden bed. This can be bought in the gardening section at any hardware store. Haven't seen too much nibbling.

  5. Copper tape is a great suggestion. In fact, I might even try a ring of pennies (pre 1982). Now to search through our coin bucket!

  6. I'm sorry to report that pennies didn't work. I lost another plant. :(
